

The collected samples of work and accompanying reflective writing provide evidence that candidates are developing as professionals as they move towards successful completion of the teacher education program standards. Artifacts should be selected to demonstrate what a candidate has done and how improvement is progressing. This does not require a large number of items but it does require thoughtful selection and reflective writing. Candidates should try to highlight what they have learned from their experiences.

Reflective writing about the samples of work selected for the portfolio provides reviewers with an understanding of the professional growth of the candidate in relation to specific standards. Therefore, each portfolio artifact for a standard includes the following items:

  • Statement of the Standard and Selection of Standard Subparts: The statement of each standard is provided in Tk20. Teacher candidates should select applicable subparts for the chosen standard.
  • Identifying Information: Describe the selected sample of work, being sure to indicate the date the original work was created and for what course or field experience.
  • Rationale Statement: Provide a description of why the sample of work was selected to demonstrate success with the indicated standard.
  • Reflection: Reflect on the submission. Why does it demonstrate ability in the selected standard? Be personal and meaningful in your reflection so the reviewer is able to comprehend what the artifact means to you and why it provides evidence of your growth as a teacher.
  • Attachment of Sample of Work: Attach or link to the selected sample of work, which may include multiple files, for example, a lesson plan and accompanying materials.

Examples of the sample of work that might be used to provide evidence for the ten standards of the Standards of Effective Practice are included in Appendix A. In addition, Appendix C provides portfolio artifact templates.

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