4.1 School of Education Appeals Process
Appeals processes exist to assist students in resolving disputes that may arise between a student and the SOE due to actions taken by the SOE. Questions about appeal processes should be directed to the Assistant Dean of the School of Education.
The SOE Appeals Committee will consider academic matters concerning the relationship between teacher education students and the SOE. Examples of academic matters which the committee will consider include:
Admission to the Teacher Education Program
Admission to Student Teaching
Dismissal from the Teacher Education Program
Licensure Decisions
Actions of the Admission and Retention Committee
The committee will not deal with disciplinary matters. Disciplinary appeals should be made through the Dean of Students as outlined in the University of Northwestern Student Handbook.
The student presents an appeal in writing to the Assistant Dean of the School of Education within thirty days of the date of the action prompting the appeal.
The Appeals Committee will consist of two members from the SOE and one member from the University at large. The Assistant Dean of the School of Education will select the Chair of the Appeals Committee who in turn will select the other two members of the Appeals Committee. The Assistant Dean of the School of Education and the Vice President for Academic Affairs are ex-officio members for a total of five members.
If the student feels that a committee member may be biased, this should be communicated to the committee accompanied by the student's reason(s) for this allegation. The committee, at its discretion, may excuse this member. If excused, the Chair of the Appeals Committee, in consultation with the committee, will appoint a replacement member for the duration of this particular hearing. Any committee member may ask to be excused if the possibility of bias exists. The Chair of the Appeals Committee, in consultation with the committee, will appoint a replacement member for the duration of the particular hearing.
The Assistant Dean of the School of Education will gather information concerning the matter being appealed from the other parties involved. This information will be distributed to all committee members prior to the hearing. The student's appeal statement will also be distributed to the committee members.
The date of the committee's hearing will be set. Normally, this will occur within fifteen working days from the receipt of the student's materials.
The student and any other persons directly involved in the appeal may request or be requested to appear before the committee. The student has the right to have an advisor present.
Following committee deliberations, the Assistant Dean of the School of Education will communicate the committee's decision in writing to the student within five working days from the date of the committee's hearing. Questions regarding the committee's decision should be directed to the Chair of the Appeals Committee.
If the student disagrees with the decision of the committee, the student may appeal in writing to the Ad hoc Appeals Committee managed by the Registrar's Office.