7.2 Exception Committee
The Exceptions Committee is responsible for decisions involving exceptions to the SOE policies. Students who wish to Request an Exception to a SOE Policy form, and submit the advisor signed copy along with a graduation plan to the Assistant Dean of the School of Education. The SOE will call the committee together to consider the student’s request. The committee’s decision about the request will be communicated to the student in the form of an email from the Assistant Dean.
Responsibilities of the Exceptions Committee are as follows:
1) Grant waivers to students to enroll in upper level education courses without being admitted to a teacher education program. These waivers are only granted for unusual cases such as course sequencing complicated by a student transferring to UNWSP. Students may not receive a waiver to enroll in upper level course for more than one semester.
2) Approve course substitutions, course sequence changes and pre-requisite waivers. Students must file a course substitution form and a copy of the Admission and Retention Committee (ARC) minutes in the Registrar’s office following ARC approval in order to have the change recorded in their file.
3) Waive the standardized testing requirements for students enrolled in non-licensure programs, within the SOE.
4) Approve the application of cross-cultural experiences to the Human Relations requirement if completed outside of course work.
5) Approve exceptions to Student Teaching policies.