6.11 Readmission to Student Teaching
A student who wishes to be readmitted to student teaching after a withdrawal or termination from student teaching must reapply for admission to student teaching. Student teaching may be repeated only once, for a total of two attempts. All repeats of student teaching are subject to the approval of the Admission and Retention Committee. The following procedures are followed in seeking readmission to student teaching:
1) A student who has made a change of major, graduated from the Northwestern in another major or with a non-licensing education major must complete readmission to a teacher education program prior to applying for readmission to Student Teaching.
2) A student contacts the Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching and requests application materials for student teaching.
3) The student submits a letter of reapplication to the Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching along with all student teaching application materials. The letter must include the reasons for reapplication, evidence indicating the student's potential for success and the semester in which student teaching is desired. The letter of reapplication and all application materials should be submitted at least one semester before the requested date for student teaching. Fall semester student teaching requests should be received by January 15 and spring semester student teaching requests should be received by September 1.
4) The Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching contacts the Program Coordinator in which the student is obtaining licensure and indicates that the student has applied for readmission to student teaching and that an Admission and Retention Committee meeting needs to be scheduled.
5) An Admission and Retention Committee meeting is called and led by the Program Coordinator. The Committee is comprised of at least three education faculty members, one of which is the Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching.
6) The Admission and Retention Committee will review the student's application for student teaching and letter of reapplication. The Committee will evaluate the student's potential for success in student teaching. Consideration will be given to issues associated with previous student teaching attempts. The Admission and Retention Committee may require additional assessment before reaching a decision about readmission. The Admission and Retention Committee will only approve readmission if they believe that the student can be successful in a student teaching placement.
7) The decision of the Admission and Retention Committee will be communicated in writing to the student and the Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching by the Program Coordinator. A copy of the minutes of the Admission and Retention Committee meeting indicating the decision is placed in the student’s SOE file.
8) If the student is readmitted to student teaching, the Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching will begin seeking a student teaching placement.
9) If readmission to student teaching is denied, the student must wait at least one semester before reapplying. Student teaching readmission decisions may be appealed through the SOE Appeals Process.