4.4 Evaluation Directions (from online Evaluation of Student Teaching)
Please evaluate this teacher candidate as a student teacher, not as an experienced teacher according to the following levels of performance. By the close of the student teaching experience, the majority of teacher candidates should be performing at a LEVEL 3.
LEVEL 4: HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Candidate’s performance on the indicated skill is consistent and demonstrates a depth of mastery and application that is exemplary for a student teacher. The candidate is highly effective in performing the skill on a consistent basis.
LEVEL 3: EFFECTIVE Candidate’s performance on the indicated skill is effective for a candidate at the student teaching level. The skill is evident on a consistent basis and the candidate is growing in his or her depth of mastery. Performance is at an effective level for teaching independently in a classroom.
LEVEL 2: DEVELOPING Candidate’s performance on the indicated skill is evident and meets minimum standards for a student teacher. The candidate is able to apply the skill but it may not yet be consistently incorporated into the candidate’s repertoire of teaching skills. Performance of the skill may be inconsistent but the candidate is demonstrating growth related to the specific skill area.
LEVEL 1: INEFFECTIVE Candidate’s performance on the indicated skill is below minimum standards for a student teacher. The candidate is not yet ready for independent practice in relation to the skill.
NA: NO OPPORTUNITY TO OBSERVE There was no opportunity to observe the skill in the placement.