2.05 Attendance
2.05 Attendance
- Only one day's absence during the assigned weeks of student teaching is permitted for illness, job interviews, or emergency situations. If total absences exceed this for any reason, the teacher candidate will teach for a time equal to that missed. Requested absences should be first addressed to the university supervisor.
- The teacher candidate will abide by the same daily work schedules as required of the cooperating teacher.
- If, for a legitimate reason, the teacher candidate needs to arrive later than the required time or be excused early, arrangements must be discussed and approved by both the university supervisor and cooperating teacher.
- When absence cannot be avoided, the candidate will notify the cooperating teacher, principal and/or office administrator, and university supervisor before the start of the school day or as early as possible.
- For unexpected tardiness, the teacher candidate will immediately notify the building principal and/or office and request that the cooperating teacher be informed. The candidate should indicate the cause of the delay and the expected arrival time.
- The teacher candidate will follow the cooperating school's calendar, not the Northwestern calendar.
- The teacher candidate should attend faculty, departmental, district in-service, IEP/504, and/or school/district parent-teacher meetings as determined by the cooperating teacher.
- When a disruption of normal school activities occurs due to a teacher strike or similar occurrence in a school where the teacher candidate is assigned, the candidate will not go to the school until the conflict is resolved. The teacher candidate should contact the Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching to confirm alternative responsibilities.
- If the strike or occurrence is not resolved in a reasonable length of time, the Assistant Dean of the School of Education may recommend reassignment of the teacher candidate to other school districts.
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